What is a counseling session | Counseling Session in San Diego

picture of a counseling session in San Diego CA

“Counseling involves helping people facilitate uncomplicated, or normal, grief to a healthy adaptation to the tasks of mourning within a reasonable time frame.” -J.William Worden, 2018

A counseling session is a time for you to talk about your problems, and get help from someone who cares.

A counseling session is a chance to talk about the ways you’re feeling. It is where you share how you’re coping with life, and what concerns you have. It’s also an opportunity to learn new skills for dealing with your emotions.

Counseling is a process that can help you work through complicated feelings and situations. It will help you feel better in the long run. During a counseling session, you’ll be able to discuss your problems with a trained professional. They will listen to what you have to say and help guide you through whatever’s causing you pain. You’ll be able to express yourself in a safe space. Where the only thing that matters is getting things off your chest and working out how to move forward.

At Perlman Wellness, our counselors are trained professionals. They want nothing more than for their clients’ lives to be better. We know how hard it can be sometimes just getting out of bed in the morning—we’ve been there ourselves!

We’ll work together to identify any patterns in your thoughts and behaviors. This way, we can devise a plan to help you manage them. We will get you back on track toward living a more fulfilling life.

5 Stages to A Counseling Session

A counseling session goes through five stages.

Stage 1: Relationship Building

Relationship building is the first stage of any counseling session. It’s important to create a space where you feel comfortable and safe. Your counselor needs to understand where you’re coming from. This stage will help set the tone for the rest of the session. So, it’s important to take your time getting there!

The first step is to introduce yourself and tell your counselor why you’re seeking counseling. Then, take some time to get to know each other. Ask questions about their background, training, or experience. If they ask you questions as well, try not to be afraid or defensive! This is an opportunity for both of you to learn more about each other. Make sure that this relationship is built on trust.

When it comes time for your counselor to ask more personal questions—such as why you want counseling—it can be hard at first. But remember that they are there to help and support you in finding solutions. They aren’t judging you or trying to embarrass or intimidate you into opening up more than you’re comfortable with sharing right away.

Stage 2: Problem Assessment

Problem assessment is the second stage of counseling. The counselor will ask the client to describe their problem and why they feel it’s important.

The counselor will then ask questions about the client’s past history with the problem. It includes how long it has been going on and whether there have been any previous attempts to solve it. The counselor will also ask about any other factors in the client’s life that may be causing the problem.

The counselor will then give an assessment of whether or not this is an appropriate time for counseling. He will also give you an idea of how long the counseling session should last.

Stage 3: Goal setting

Goal setting is a vital part of the counseling therapy session. This is the stage where you and your counselor work together to determine what you’d like to get out of counseling, and how to go about it.

By setting goals, you can make sure that counseling is working for you, instead of just “being there” for you. It also helps ensure that you’re getting the most out of your sessions and that they last long enough to make a difference in your life.

Counselors might ask questions like: What do you want to get out of this? How will things be different when we’re done? What resources do you need right now? What would be a sign that things are going well?

Stage 4: Counseling intervention

The fourth stage of counseling is the point at which you can begin to see results. This stage is where you’ll be given the tools and resources needed to make lasting changes.

If you’ve ever been in therapy, you know that it’s hard to share your deepest fears, thoughts, and emotions with someone without feeling exposed and vulnerable. That’s why it’s so important for a counselor to have a solid understanding of their role and what they can do for their client.

A good counselor will help their clients find ways to cope with their trauma and/or mental illness, but they won’t try to fix them or make them feel better. Instead, they will focus on helping their clients become stronger by teaching them new skills that can be used in times of distress.

They may also help their clients develop new relationships or reconnect with old ones by teaching them how to communicate effectively with others. In some cases, if the client is struggling with addiction or substance abuse issues, they may recommend treatment options such as rehab centers or group therapy sessions designed specifically for those who need more intensive care than what one-on-one counseling sessions provide.

Stage 5: Evaluation, Termination, or Referral

The fifth stage of counseling is evaluation. This is the time when you and your counselor will decide whether you should continue with therapy or not. Your counselor may ask you to fill out an evaluation form, which will include questions about how many sessions you want to attend, how much progress you feel you’ve made in therapy, and your thoughts on continuing with counseling.

If your counselor thinks it would be beneficial for you to continue with therapy, they will recommend a certain number of sessions based on their assessment of what’s necessary to help you reach your goals. However, if they don’t think additional sessions are required at this time, they will discuss termination options with you.

If they do believe that further sessions are needed but only recommend one or two more than what has already been scheduled, they’ll discuss any issues that need to be resolved before continuing forward. For example: If there is a concern about safety, then it’s likely that more sessions will be recommended since there aren’t any other resources available at this time. If they don’t believe that further sessions are needed, then they won’t recommend any additional therapy.

The Typical Face-to-Face Counseling Session

picture of graphic representing what is a counseling session

Therapy hasn’t “fixed” me, because I wasn’t broken. It has helped me access and make sense of my thoughts, feelings, and actions.” ― Hannah Booth

A typical one-hour therapy session with a counselor usually starts with the counselor and client shaking hands, or in some cases, offering each other a hug. In some cases, the counselor may ask you to sit on the couch while they sit at their desk. The session can then proceed with either of you talking about anything that is important to you.

At this point, it is important to understand that it is not necessary to share your story in chronological order; you can start anywhere and go back and forth as needed. Some people find it helpful to talk about what happened first, while others prefer to start with how they feel now and end with what they want in their future.

The counselor will listen carefully, ask questions when necessary, and give feedback as appropriate. They will try their best to understand what you are saying so that they can offer support in helping you find solutions for your problems. You may be asked if there are certain things that are upsetting you or causing stress in your life and family, and if so, what these things might be.

It is important for both parties involved to know that there is no right or wrong way of doing things during therapy sessions – this includes sharing personal information such as past experiences or childhood experiences that may affect your current mental health. Many people find it helpful to write down their thoughts in a journal before and after therapy sessions, as this can help them process what they have learned during their time with the counselor.

The Virtual Counseling Session

When you schedule a virtual counseling session, you’ll be able to speak with a licensed therapist via webcam. Our therapists are trained in all areas of mental health, and they have experience working with people of all ages, backgrounds, and experiences.

The first step is getting connected—just like when you’re calling somebody on Skype or Facetime, you’ll need to make sure both your computer and webcam are on. Once that’s done, simply click the “Connect” button on our site’s scheduling page and we’ll do the rest!

Once we’re connected, our therapist will greet you by name and check in with you about how things are going. Your therapist will want to hear about any concerns or questions you have related to your appointment topic before proceeding into any kind of conversation.

The next step is talking! Your therapist will guide this conversation in whatever direction makes sense for your needs. They’ll ask questions if they need more information; they’ll offer advice if they think it might help, and they’ll give prompts if they think it would be helpful for them to lead the discussion towards something specific.

When the therapy session is over, it’s always good manners to thank your therapist!

Find the Counseling Therapy Session You Need at Perlman Wellness

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” – Maya Angelou

We offer five types of counseling therapy to our clients.

Marriage And Family Counseling in San Diego

Marriage and family counseling at Perlman Wellness is unlike what you would get anywhere else.

We take a holistic approach to the counseling process, meaning that we don’t just sit down and talk about your problems during your session—we help you work through them in a way that is meaningful to you. We believe that our job is to help you understand yourself better, which will lead to more effective solutions for any issues you’re experiencing.

Our counselors can offer therapy support for any issue: from marriage problems to family dysfunction, from career struggles to financial difficulties, from addictions to mental illness. We will work with you until we find the solution that works best for you as an individual so that you can live life on your own terms.

Guidance and Career Counseling Services

We believe that your happiness is the most important thing in the world. We want you to be able to pursue your dreams, whatever they may be. That’s why we offer guidance and career counseling services at Perlman Wellness.

At Perlman Wellness, we understand that you want to make sure your career goals align with your passions and values—and we want you to know that it’s possible! Our counselors are here to listen, ask questions, and help you figure out how best to achieve your professional goals. We’ll work with you one-on-one or in a group setting so that you can have a safe space for self-reflection and growth. We’ll also help you identify any obstacles standing in the way of your success and offer strategies for overcoming them.

Our professional team has experience working with individuals from all walks of life: from college students pursuing internships during their summer breaks to adults looking for new careers after graduating from high school or college. Whatever stage of life you’re at right now—whether it’s just starting off on your own or re-entering the workforce after years away—we can help guide you through it. We’ll work together to set goals, identify strategies for achieving those goals and create an action plan for making them happen. Through our combined expertise in psychology, education, and business administration, we can help you find the right path toward reaching your full potential.

Rehabilitation Counseling

At Perlman Wellness, we know that you’re not just looking for a quick fix or a quick appointment. You’re looking for lasting change—for a healthy body, mind, and spirit. And that’s why we offer a problem solving session that goes beyond the standard treatment of symptoms and into the heart of what’s causing your pain in the first place: your mental health.

We designed our rehabilitation counseling therapy services to give you the resources you need to make lasting changes in your life. We’ll help you identify the root causes of your pain and then help you find ways to address those issues so they can’t cause problems anymore. We understand that when you don’t feel right physically or mentally, it’s hard to be happy—and it’s hard to do other things as well.

We’ll work with you one-on-one so we can create a personalized treatment plan based on what works for you personally. Our goal is for each client to be able to take control of their own life again. We want our clients to live happy, healthy lives without worrying about whether or not their physical or mental health will hold them back from achieving their dreams.

Mental Health Issues Counseling

At Perlman Wellness, we believe that mental health counseling is a vital part of your overall wellness. We want to help you live a happier, healthier life. And we will do so by supporting you through the challenges and stresses of daily life.

Whether it’s a problem with relationships or something else entirely, we are here to help! Our counselors are experts in a variety of techniques and approaches to counseling. So, they can find the one that works best for you.

We offer services ranging from couples counseling to grief counseling to individual counseling. Our counselors will work with you to create a personalized plan that fits your needs. Together, we will help you to reach your goals.

Substance Abuse Counseling

If you are struggling with substance abuse and are looking for counseling, then look no further than Perlman Wellness!

We offer individual and group counseling for substance abuse issues. Our team of addiction specialists is here to help you get the treatment you need to get on the path toward recovery.

Our therapy counselors will help you address your past experiences and mental health issues that may have contributed to your substance use. They will also provide coping skills for dealing with triggers in the future. We will work with you until you are ready to move forward on the path toward wellness.

We understand that getting mental health help is often difficult, but we’re here to help make it easier on you.

Educational Counseling

Educational counseling is a special kind of counseling. It helps people learn how to make better life choices by understanding the impact of their actions. These actions can be big things like choosing a career path. They can also be small things like choosing not to eat junk food.

If you are unsure about what’s best for your mental health and happiness, or if you feel like you’re getting stuck in a cycle that’s not working for you, then educational counseling might be exactly what you need.

We offer educational counseling through one-on-one sessions with our licensed professional therapists. In each session, we’ll work with you to break down your current issues and create a plan for moving forward.


What goes on in a counseling session?

Counseling therapy sessions are a very personal experience, and they can be a great way to work through issues, get support, and learn new skills. Counseling is a collaborative process between you and your professional counselor. The counselor will ask questions and give you space to explore your feelings. But they will also offer their own thoughts and ideas on what you might be experiencing. You will be able to choose what topics you want to talk about in the session, as well as whether or not you would like to work on specific goals or skills with your counselor.

Counseling sessions are usually 45 minutes long. However, it can vary depending on your needs. Sessions usually take place once a week.

What should I expect from my first counseling session?

If you’re thinking about starting counseling, you may be wondering what your first session will be like. We make sure that everyone who comes to us feels comfortable and safe. At Perlman Wellness, we want you to have an idea of what to expect so that this is a good fit for you.

In general, your first therapy session will be an introductory meeting with our staff psychologist. We’ll talk about why you’re considering counseling and what your goals are for therapy. If we agree that it sounds like counseling is right for you, we’ll probably discuss the payment options and start right away!

We know it can be hard to decide whether or not therapy is right for you. That’s why we ask all of our clients to go through a screening process before they begin their sessions. The screening helps us get a better sense of your needs and goals. It will help us guide you toward effective treatment as quickly as possible.

What should I do to prepare for a counseling session?

Before your initial counseling session, make sure you have some time to think through what you want to talk about.

It’s also a good idea to write down a list of questions you might have for the counselor. Think about whether or not you have any concerns about confidentiality, and if so, write down what they are.

Also, remember that counseling therapy is a process and it takes time. It may not be possible in one session to resolve everything that’s troubling you, but with time and effort, we can help you move forward towards healing and wellness!

Who needs counseling?

Everyone needs counseling.

Counseling therapy is there to help you through the hard times in your life. It’s there to help you learn how to be more aware of your feelings and better able to manage them.

If you worry about something that happened recently—like a breakup or a death in the family—or if you’ve been feeling down for a long time, counseling can help. If you want to learn how to deal with stress or anxiety better, counseling can help. And if you’re just looking for a mental health professional who will listen to all the things running through your head and give advice on what they think would be best for you, counseling can definitely do that too!

Why do people go to counseling?

People go to counseling therapy for many reasons. Some seek help because they are having trouble handling the stress of life. Others are experiencing mental health issues and want advice on how to make them better. Some may seek help because they feel like they aren’t living up to their potential. Others need guidance in making important career decisions. Counseling can also be helpful when you want help with an addiction problem. Whether you have an addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling, or even social media, we can help!

When you’re deciding whether or not counseling is right for you, think about what your goals are for going into therapy. If you have goals that seem too big for one session at a time, consider scheduling multiple sessions back-to-back. This way, you can get all the answers to your questions at once.

Counseling Therapy Services at Perlman Wellness

If you’re looking for counseling therapy services in San Diego CA, you’ve come to the right place. Here at Perlman Wellness, we believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality mental health care. That’s why we offer therapy services at an affordable rate. We also offer a flexible schedule that makes it easy for our clients to get what they need when they need it. Our therapists specialize in treating anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues of all ages and backgrounds.

Our team commits to helping you find peace of mind through our caring and compassionate approach to counseling. We’ll work with you one-on-one or in groups to help you find solutions that fit your needs best. We will guide you in learning new coping skills or getting more clarity on what’s bothering you so we can help guide you toward change.

Our services are available in person and over online virtual platforms! We also offer group therapy sessions. If that sounds like something you’d prefer, just let us know when booking. We’ll set up a group session just for you!

Contact us today.